AIPRM for chatgpt not working? Solutions

aiprm for chatgpt not working? Fix
AIPRM for chatgpt not working? Fix

Update- issue has been fixed now.

If you still facing issue. Just uninstall AIPRM chatgpt plugin and reinstall it again from chrome webstore. You will be seeing old AIPRM prompt layout.

AIPRM for chatgpt not working? Here it the detailed article about it. AIPRM for ChatGPT is a Chrome extension that provides users with a library of pre-made prompts for ChatGPT.

These prompts are made to help you optimise your website and raise its search engine exposure, which will increase the probability that potential customers will find it online.

What is AIPRM?

AIPRM stands for AI Prompt Remixer. It is a plugin that allows users to easily generate and manage prompts for ChatGPT.

AIPRM for chatgpt not working?

ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI. The ChatGPT Update on September 16, 2023, made some changes to the ChatGPT API that broke the AIPRM UI.

What is the fix for AIPRM Plugin ?

The AIPRM team has submitted a fix for the broken UI to Google and Microsoft for review. The fix is for AIPRM v1.1.9.16.

When will the fix be available?

  • It is unclear when the fix will be available to users. It depends on how quickly Google and Microsoft review the fix.
  • In the meantime, users can still use AIPRM by manually installing version from the AIPRM website.
  • You can use Microsoft EDGE as issue has been already fixed on it. You can download AIPRM Plugin for Microsoft EDGE by button below.
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Here are some additional tips for AIPRM users

  • If you are using AIPRM with Microsoft Edge, the fix has already been approved and published. You should update AIPRM automatically.
  • If you are using AIPRM with Chrome, you will need to manually install the fix. You can do this by downloading version from the AIPRM website and then following the instructions on the AIPRM website.
  • If you are having trouble updating AIPRM or if you have any other questions, please visit the AIPRM Community Forum.

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AIPRM for chatgpt not working? FAQs

What is AIPRM?

AIPRM stands for AI Prompt Remixer. It’s a Chrome extension that provides users with a library of pre-made prompts for ChatGPT, designed to help optimize websites and improve search engine exposure.

Why is AIPRM for ChatGPT not working?

The AIPRM UI was affected by changes made to the ChatGPT API during the ChatGPT Update on September 16, 2023.

Any other way to use AIPRM Plugin?

You can also use this plugin with MICROSOFT EDGE as it has been fixed for it.

How can I fix AIPRM Plugin?

he AIPRM team has submitted a fix for the broken UI (AIPRM v1.1.9.16) to Google and Microsoft for review. The availability of the fix depends on their review process. In the meantime, users can manually install version from the AIPRM website.

How can I update AIPRM for Microsoft Edge?

If you are using AIPRM with Microsoft Edge, the fix has already been approved and published. Your AIPRM should update automatically.

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