India Vs Pakistan Match, 200 Celebrities Will Come To See, Amit Shah, Amitabh, Sachin, Rajnikanth Included

India Vs Pakistan Match, 200 Celebrities Will Come To See, Amit Shah, Amitabh, Sachin, Rajnikanth Included
India Vs Pakistan Match, 200 Celebrities Will Come To See, Amit Shah, Amitabh, Sachin, Rajnikanth Included

India Vs Pakistan Match

Get ready for an exciting cricket showdown between India and Pakistan this Saturday at Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium! The event is drawing a huge crowd, including Bollywood stars, big business names, and sponsors. Over 200 VIPs and 100 celebrities are flying in on more than 20 chartered flights, with 20 on Friday and 80 on Saturday. Nearby airports in Surat, Vadodara, and Indore are also preparing for the buzz.

From Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, to Pune, parking plans are in place based on the VIPs’ locations. Overflowing airports may lead to parking in cities like Rajkot, Udaipur, and Indore. Interestingly, sleeper AC coach bookings for a special train with 1280 seats filled up in just 5 minutes on Thursday. But here’s a new trend: people booking rooms in major hospitals.

When it comes to TV ads during the India-Pakistan match, a whopping 85% have been booked, with a 10-second slot costing a staggering 60 lakh rupees. Premium slots are going for 11-13 lakhs, giving viewers an electrifying experience at a competitive rate.

Celebrities on the Guest List:

Big names like Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, Rajnikanth, Akash Ambani, T.S. Kalyanaraman, K.M. Mammen, Sameer Pillaai, Parth Jindal, Adar Poonawalla, M.S. Raja, and Ranbir Kapoor are gracing the occasion.

VIP Parking:

Ahmedabad airport has 52 parking stands, but only 60 passes are available for the 60 dignitaries attending the live match. Efforts to get more slots have led to increased fees, and there are backup options in Vadodara and Surat airports for those crucial last moments.

Read more: This EX-Pakistani cricketer made a forceful proposal for a famous Bollywood actress

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