PM Modi Announces New Women’s Reservation Bill in Lok Sabha says ‘It Will Strengthen Democracy.

new women's reservation bill

PM Modi Announces New Women’s Reservation Bill in Lok Sabha.

In a momentous event, the new Women’s Reservation Bill was unveiled within the hallowed halls of the Lok Sabha, gracing the pristine precincts of the freshly inaugurated Parliament edifice. The stewardship of this pivotal bill’s introduction fell upon the capable shoulders of Union Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal, who, with eloquence and determination, set the wheels of change in motion. Meghwal, in his address during the inaugural session of Lok Sabha within this architectural marvel, expounded on the transformative potential of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, propounding the notion that it would herald a new era of female representation within the hallowed chambers of governance.

The impending deliberations concerning the passage of this historic legislation are slated for Wednesday, the 20th of September. As the sun rises on the morrow, the bill’s fate shall be placed in the hands of the august Rajya Sabha, scheduled for consideration on the 21st of September, as intimated by government sources.

In the inaugural discourse within the resplendent precincts of the new Parliament building, Prime Minister Modi articulated the profound significance of the ‘Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.’ He expounded upon how this legislative milestone shall serve as a vanguard for increased female participation in both the hallowed corridors of Parliament and the august chambers of state legislative assemblies, fostering a more inclusive and representative democracy.

Watch This: PM Modi Announces New Women’s Reservation Bill in Lok Sabha says, ‘It Will Strengthen Democracy’.

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What PM Modi Said?

We’ve been talking about the new women’s reservation bill for a long time. Back when Atal Bihari Vajpayee was in charge, they tried to pass it several times, but they couldn’t get enough support, so it never became law. But now, our government is taking a new approach. They’re introducing a new bill today that’s all about getting more women involved in both Houses of Parliament,” said Prime Minister Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his speech, said that he’s been given the chance to work on women’s empowerment. During his first speech in the new Parliament building, he mentioned that the government plans to introduce a law called Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.

He explained that this law would make our democracy stronger and asked all the members to support it. The Women Reservation Bill, which aims to make sure that 33 percent of the seats in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies are reserved for women, was introduced as the 128th Constitutional Amendment Bill by the Union Law Minister.

This was the first thing discussed in the new Parliament building during the five-day special session that started on Monday.

The New Women’s Reservation Bill was approved by the Rajya Sabha in 2010, but it wasn’t talked about in the Lok Sabha, so it didn’t become a law.

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