Breaking News: Google Podcasts DOOMED! YouTube Music’s Takeover Shocks Internet!

Breaking News: Google Podcasts DOOMED! YouTube Music's Takeover Shocks Internet!
Breaking News: Google Podcasts DOOMED! YouTube Music’s Takeover Shocks Internet!

Google Podcasts’ Farewell and YouTube Music’s Ascent

Google Podcasts is going away, and starting next year, Google will focus on offering podcasts through YouTube Music.

This article is about Breaking News: Google Podcasts DOOMED! YouTube Music’s Takeover Shocks Internet! This move isn’t a big surprise. In April, Google made it possible for people in the US to listen to podcasts on YouTube Music without having to pay. You can also download podcasts to listen to offline and easily switch between audio and video versions on YouTube Music. YouTube plans to make podcasts available on YouTube Music for everyone around the world by the end of 2023.

Breaking News: Google Podcasts DOOMED! YouTube Music’s Takeover Shocks Internet!

Google Podcasts first came out on Android in 2018. It allowed people to listen to lots of podcasts for free and gave personalized suggestions. In 2020, Google updated the app and made it available on iPhones too. You can also use it on computers with web browsers, Windows, and macOS.

YouTube’s Vision for Podcasts on YouTube Music

YouTube says, “Looking ahead to 2024, we’ll make YouTube Music an even better place for fans and podcasters. We’ll add special YouTube features for community, finding cool content, and smoothly switching between audio and video.” YouTube also announced that they will stop Google Podcasts in 2024.

Seamless Transition: From Google Podcasts to YouTube Music

YouTube thinks this change makes sense because lots of people in the US already prefer YouTube for podcasts, much more than Google Podcasts.

Breaking News: Google Podcasts DOOMED! YouTube Music’s Takeover Shocks Internet!

YouTube is also going to help Google Podcasts users switch over to YouTube Music. They’ll provide an easy tool for transferring, and you can also add podcast feeds to your YouTube Music library. They’ll even offer a tool to download a file with all your subscribed shows so you can use them on other podcast apps.

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