AI Magic: ChatGPT + Canva Plugin = Visual Masterpieces Galore

AI Magic: ChatGPT + Canva Plugin = Visual Masterpieces Galore!
AI Magic: ChatGPT + Canva Plugin = Visual Masterpieces Galore

You can easily get this plugin from the ‘ChatGPT plugin store.’ It allows you to create things like logos and banners hassle-free. In the past, using Canva with ChatGPT was a bit tricky and time-consuming. But with this new Canva plugin, you can make stunning visuals with just a few clicks.
To connect Canva with ChatGPT, open the AI-powered chatbot in your web browser. Look for the ‘Plugin Store’ in the plugin section.

Now, search for the Canva plugin and install it. Once that’s done, go to the main ChatGPT window and select ‘Canva’ from the plugins.

In the chat window, tell ChatGPT Online AI Chatbot what you want to create and wait for a moment. For example, you can say, “I want a banner for my Facebook page since I’m a fan of smartphones.”

Pick your favorite visual from the ones ChatGPT generates and click on the link above it.

You’ll be taken to Canva, where you can edit and download the visual created by AI. Just click ‘Share’ and then ‘Download.’

Keep in mind that, for now, these plugins are only available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, which costs $20 per month. With the premium subscription, you can use the advanced GPT-4 model, which is great for creating longer content and handling image inputs. You can also use ChatGPT for free without Registration and Login at ChatGPT Demo.

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