Jason Citron unveils Discord new features 2023: Revamped warning system, enhances teen safety and more

Discord New Update 2023, A Revamped Cautionary Framework and Charts Fresh Enhancements for Its Mobile Application.

Discord new features 2023
Discord new features 2023

Discord new features 2023 for Enhanced Teens Safety.

Discord, the messaging app, has recently updated its warning system to focus on enforcing rules and protecting young users. They’ve also revealed plans for new features on the mobile app. This new warning system is aimed at making things clearer.

According to The Verge, Discord is doing away with permanent bans for rule breakers. Instead, they’ll give warnings and limit some features to let users know they’ve broken the rules. For serious violations, they might suspend accounts temporarily instead of banning them forever.

Savannah Badalich, Discord’s Senior Director of Policy, explained that this new system gives users more chances to acknowledge their mistakes and make things right.

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Jason Citron Also Reveal Discord new features 2023, called “Teen Safety Assist” to keep young users safe. It will automatically hide explicit content in messages and servers meant for teenagers. Adults can choose to use these features too. Instead of people moderating, artificial intelligence will check for content that breaks the rules and deal with it.

Additionally, the mobile app will soon have a new “Midnight” theme, which will help save battery on certain devices. Other upcoming features include easier search filters, improvements to notifications with an automatic clear function, and a fun new “remix” feature to make memes from images.

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