Breaking: Earthquake in Delhi on October 15, 2023

Earthquake in Delhi On October 15, 2023, at 4:08 pm, an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.1 on the Richter scale hit Faridabad, Haryana, which is located about 30 km from Delhi. The earthquake was felt in Delhi and other parts of the National Capital Region (NCR).

Credit: News Nation

Earthquake in Delhi on October 15, 2023

The earthquake was caused by a fault line that runs through the region. This fault line has been responsible for several earthquakes in the past, including a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in 1990.

The earthquake in Delhi on October 15, 2023, was relatively small, but it was a reminder of the city’s vulnerability to earthquakes. Delhi is located in a seismically active region, and it is important for the city to be prepared for future earthquakes.

Impact of the earthquake

The earthquake caused minor damage to some buildings in Delhi and the NCR. There were no reports of injuries or deaths.

The earthquake also caused some disruption to transportation and communication services. The Delhi Metro was temporarily suspended, and there were some disruptions to mobile phone and internet services.

Earthquake In Delhi
Credit: NDTV

What can individuals do to prepare for an earthquake?

There are a number of things that individuals can do to prepare for an earthquake:

  • Make sure your home is earthquake-safe. This includes securing loose objects, such as bookshelves and mirrors, and making sure your home has a strong foundation.
  • Have a plan for what to do in the event of an earthquake. This plan should include a safe place to go and a way to communicate with loved ones.
  • Keep an emergency kit on hand. This kit should include food, water, first-aid supplies, and a flashlight.
  • Learn about earthquakes. This will help you to understand what to do in the event of an earthquake and to stay safe.

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