G20 Summit News Pragati Maidan

G20 summit news pragati maidan
G20 summit news pragati maidan

A Historic Moment: African Union Joins the G20

This artical is about G20 summit news pragati maidan during the G20 Summit in 2023, something important happened. The African Union, invited by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, officially became a new member of the G20. Many important people like UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, IMF’s Kristalina Georgieva, and WTO’s Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala were there.

The Key Document: New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration

People were excited because they were about to finish a big document called the New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration. Amitabh Kant, India’s representative, talked about it before the summit. He said they would share more details once all the leaders agreed. This document was important because it would include the opinions of countries from the global south and developing nations, showing that everyone’s voice matters.

G20 Summit News Pragati Maidan

Before this, Prime Minister Modi met with Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in India. They signed three agreements, one about improving digital payments, which is a big step in technology.

High-Level Meetings: President Biden’s Visit

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, also came to India for the G20 Summit. He had a private meeting with Prime Minister Modi. Read more: G20 Summit News Pragati Maidan

Challenges in the Indo-Pacific: The Quad’s Resolve

In the background, China was causing some problems in the Indo-Pacific region, but the Quad, made up of India, the United States, Japan, and Australia, stayed strong. They wanted to keep the Indo-Pacific area free and open.

G20 summit news pragati maidan

Prime Minister Modi was very excited because they had all agreed on the New Delhi G20 declaration. They expected everyone to agree on it during the G20 Summit.

African Union’s G20 Membership Solidified

Once again, the African Union officially became part of the G20, thanks to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s invitation.

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FAQs of (G20 Summit News Pragati Maidan)

What was the significant moment during the G20 Summit in 2023?

The African Union formally joined the G20 as a new member upon the invitation extended by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Who were some of the notable figures present at the G20 Summit?

Distinguished individuals such as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, IMF’s Kristalina Georgieva, and WTO’s Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala attended the event.

What is the New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration, and why is it important?

The New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration is a crucial document for the G20. It aims to capture the collective vision and goals of G20 member countries. It’s important because it reflects the voices of developing nations and the global south, emphasizing inclusivity.

What agreements were made during the summit related to India and Bangladesh?

India and Bangladesh signed three memorandums of understanding (MoUs), with one focusing on improving digital payment mechanisms, signifying a technological advancement.

Did President Biden attend the G20 Summit in 2023?

Yes, President of the United States, Joe Biden, attended the G20 Summit and had a private meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

What is the Quad, and what is its primary goal?

The Quad consists of India, the United States, Japan, and Australia. Its main goal is to promote practical cooperation and preserve a free and unobstructed Indo-Pacific environment, especially in response to China’s assertive military actions in the region.

Was there unanimous agreement on the New Delhi G20 Declaration?

Yes, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that a consensus had been reached regarding the New Delhi G20 Declaration, with unanimous adoption expected among all participating nations during the G20 Summit.

How did the African Union’s role evolve during the G20 Summit?

The African Union formally solidified its position as a recent addition to the G20, accepting its esteemed role following an invitation extended by the summit’s host, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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